Create a Logic Model

What is a Logic Model?

Cottage Population Health - Toolkit

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A logic model provides a visual diagram of your program all on one page. It shows the inputs and activities necessary to achieve the changes you hope to make (outcomes).

We’ve provided a basic worksheet you can use as a starting point. Feel free to adapt it to make it work for you and your stakeholders.

Why Use a Logic Model?

The most important part of developing a logic model is the conversation among stakeholders to come to agreement on a program’s intended outcomes. Too often, program staff, leaders, board, partners and funders have different views of what a program is trying to achieve, but don’t know it.

In the process of creating a logic model, stakeholders are forced to face a fundamental yet often unanswered question in nonprofit work -- is what we’re doing actually contributing to the changes we want to bring about in the world?

A logic model provides clear boundaries for what to say “yes” and “no” to, as opportunities come your way. Having a logic model makes it more likely that stakeholders agree on what you’re doing, what it will take to carry-out activities and what changes you expect to see as a result.

A logic model can be used throughout the lifecycle of your program.


Cottage Health - Evaluation Toolkit - Planning

Creates agreement on intended outcomes and activities needed to get there.

Evaluation Design

Cottage Health Evaluation Toolkit - Evaluation Design

Articulates the key components of your program, which will help you focus your evaluation on the most important elements. 


Cottage Health Evaluation Toolkit - Implementation

Helps monitor if the program is being implemented as designed and communicate how your work contributes to outcomes that matter.

Logic models are not static documents. They should change over time as programs evolve, new best practices are identified, or data become available for program improvements. For longer term programs, logic models should be reviewed and updated at least annually.

How Do We Create a Logic Model?

Creating a logic model starts by having a conversation with your stakeholders about the key building blocks of the program and changes that you want to see.

Cottage Population Health - Case StudyCase Study

Over the course of several meetings the Health Connect program team asked all their stakeholders (staff, leaders, board members, and clients) about the key goals of their program and what activities were needed to reach those goals.

Once they were all in agreement (for the most part), they were ready to create their first logic model. The logic model they created helped them guide and focus the evaluation.

Download the Create a Logic Model Case Study

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Population Health Listening Tour

Cottage Population Health Video - Santa Barbara

Learn about the challenges facing populations in Santa Barbara County and the implications that they have on public health.

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Listening Tour Findings

View a brief summary of key findings from the Cottage Population Health Listening Tour.

View Listening Tour Key Findings

Listening Tour Survey

The results from this survey helped Cottage Health prioritize the health indicators highlighted in the Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) report.

View Listening Tour Survey Results