Cottage Center for Population Health
The Cottage Center for Population Health works to improve health and wellness, focusing on equity for the most vulnerable — in our hospitals and in the community.
Forward Focus
Partnerships Enhance Our Impact
Whether you work on the front lines of health, are involved in the community, or are a local citizen concerned about the health of our region, we want to hear from you. Email:
Lifelong health begins outside the hospital, with wellness and prevention. Cottage Center for Population Health focuses on community partnerships to improve, protect and sustain:
- Mental health and wellbeing in the community
- Health and wellness of children and youth
- Health and wellness of people without steady access
to housing, food and transportation
Collaborations for Healthier Communities
Our collaborations and partnerships bring together the expertise and impact of community-based organizations, local agencies, providers, community members, funders, and public health professionals. Current partnership programs include:
Think Outside the Hospital
If a child with asthma lives next to a freeway, is hospitalized for respiratory illness, and then returns to the same living conditions — the child will be back again and again. Caring for the child means looking at the whole picture and connecting the family with resources that will promote health.
Community Vision
Shared technology and research helps our community build healthy opportunities. The Cottage Center for Population Health is a hub for community organizations seeking to collaborate and create programs.
- Knowledge
- Community Health Needs Assessment
Data Collection
Community Engagement
Applied Research
Staff Expertise: physician leadership, nursing, epidemiology, evaluation, social work, community navigation, program planning, communication and public health
Meet the Team
Cottage Population Health’s team works across sectors to transform health outcomes through our values of excellence, integrity, and compassion.